Professional Biography
Fiona has over 30 years of experience as a journalist, strategic communications professional, and media and outreach advisor.
She has worked in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia in the areas of strategic communications, government outreach, media, and civil society engagement in the security, justice, health, human rights, economic reform and policy advocacy sectors.
Prior to her consulting work, Fiona was Senior Program Manager, Levant at the National Democratic Institute in Washington, DC, overseeing human rights and civil society engagement programming in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria. There she coordinated the NDI-Carter Center International Election Observation Mission to the 2006 Palestinian Legislative Election. She served as an election observer in Jenin for that election, as well as in Cairo for the 2005 Egyptian Presidential Election.
Before beginning development work, Fiona was a strategic outreach advisor in the Cabinet of UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris where she worked with the White House on the launch of the UN literacy decade, and was Director of Communication for the United Nations Association of the USA in New York for over five years working regularly with senior UN officials and diplomats. She has extensive experience working with international agencies and non-profit organizations, national and subnational government, civil society, and media. She has worked directly with government, CSO, and media representatives from: the U.S., Myanmar, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Qatar, Iraq, UAE, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
Fiona began her career as newspaper reporter, and continues to work as a freelance journalist. She was Afghanistan Editor and later Editor-at-Large for Muftah magazine providing analysis on global issues. She also wrote a weekly blog the magazine. Fiona’s writing has appeared in numerous U.S. newspapers and magazines including The Daily Beast, Ms. Magazine, Los Angeles Times, PassBlue, New York Post, Financial Times, The Washington Times and The Christian Science Monitor.
Strategic Communications
Messaging, earned media, stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder Mapping, Assessment, Engagement
Identifying partners, advocates, collaborators, interested communities
Asia and Middle East
Governance and government outreach, civil society engagement and development, policy advocacy
International Program Direction, Development, Management, Implementation
Non-profit, for-profit, UN
United Nations System
Working for, and partnering with, the UN system
Afghanistan (10 years), Iraq, UAE, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand / Myanmar
Headquarter Supervision with regular site visits
Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank / Gaza, Syria, Iraq
M.A. Near East Studies and Journalism, Kevorkian Center, New York University
B.A. English Literature, Union College